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Updated: Masking policy extended through May; vaccine policy and controlled access to end as scheduled

As we underscored in our last update, Niagara College continues to monitor COVID trends and indicators and advice from public health and government experts. We remain committed to adapting our policies to respond to the dynamic nature of the virus to protect the health and safety of our campus community.

Amid a recent surge in infections in the sixth wave of COVID in Ontario, Niagara College will extend a revised masking policy through the month of May and until further notice. All those entering a Niagara College building are required to wear a medical-grade or a three-ply cloth mask while indoors. While medical masks are encouraged, the branded 3-ply masks provided to students and employees meet the updated requirements. The updated masking policy is available here.

Masking is an easy and effective way for students, faculty, staff and visitors to reduce the spread of the virus and make interactions safer during this interim period. Niagara College continues to consult with Niagara Region Public Health, and the decision to extend the mask policy was endorsed by Niagara's Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr. Mustafa Hirji.

"I strongly support Niagara College in their decision to continue a masking requirement into the spring term," said Dr. Hirji. "Their decision is a clear-eyed response to the reality that we are experiencing a sixth wave of COVID-19, and shows they put the protection of their students, staff, and visitors before all else. Thank you to Niagara College for their commitment to the safety of our community."

If you require a mask or have forgotten your mask, they will be available for the start of term at various locations at both campuses, including: the InfoCentres, International centres, NCSAC offices, ncLibaries, Enrolment Services, Student Engagement, Academic Advisement & Career Services, Health, Wellness & Accessibility Services and Athletics/Fitness front counters.

As previously announced, the College's mandatory vaccination policy will expire as of April 23. COVID vaccines have proven effective in reducing the transmission and severity of the COVID-19 virus, and while it will no longer be mandatory, all members of the college community are encouraged to protect themselves and others by getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

"I also continue to urge everyone to get up-to-date with three doses of COVID-19 vaccine and continue to wear masks in indoor spaces and when in crowded spaces outdoors so that we can protect ourselves, but more importantly, the vulnerable people around us," said Dr. Hirji.

Access control points have been removed as of April 23 and students, employees and visitors can once again access campus buildings via any entrance.

Ahead of the Spring 2022 Term, it remains as important as ever that you stay home and follow community guidance on self-isolation if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or are feeling unwell. Please continue to get vaccinated to protect yourself and others.

As we move into the Spring term, students do not need to notify their instructors of their last date on campus if they test positive for COVID or are symptomatic, although they may wish to advise their instructors if they will be absent from class due to illness or self-isolation.

Employees should advise their manager when they are ill and what impact it will have on their ability to work (eg: unable to attend in person meetings but can work remotely; unable to work, etc.).

Thank you for continuing to support and care for the collective health of our community through this next phase of the pandemic. For updated information on health and safety measures, visit