Niagara College’s Board of Governors has approved an exciting and ambitious new five-year strategic plan that envisions a college that is diverse, inclusive and highly engaged; socially and environmentally aware; with trailblazing academic programs that are immersive, flexible and accessible, and meet the changing needs and expectations of students and employers alike.
Developed through more than a year of intense consultation engagement within the college and the broader Niagara community, the plan responds to a unique time in postsecondary education, marked by increased competition in postsecondary education, rapid technological change, students who are more diverse and globally aware, and a community in economic recovery and in urgent need of a highly skilled and stable workforce.
“Our ability to navigate the challenges of the past two years has highlighted the fact that our greatest strength as an organization is our highly engaged and dedicated faculty and staff,” said Niagara College President Sean Kennedy. “Our new strategic plan leverages our people and our strong organizational culture, our focus on students, and the welcoming, trailblazing and passionate characteristics that set Niagara College apart in the postsecondary world. It will serve as our guide as we write the next chapter in our College’s remarkable history.”
The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan provides six inter-connected areas of focus supported by clear action items, including:
- Wholistic Student Experience: With a focus on the wellbeing of the whole student, the College will nurture and leverage our unique relationship with student leadership, create new co-curricular activities and new opportunities for community engagement; new mental health and wellness strategies that recognize and respond to a more diverse college community; and new and vibrant learning and living spaces.
- Academic excellence: In an atmosphere of constant innovation in teaching and learning, the College will focus on immersive and experiential learning, whether on campus, online, local or global; leverage new technologies to make programs more flexible, accessible and responsive to the needs and expectations of students and employers; leverage connections with industry, employers and alumni to enhance pathways and opportunities for students, and ensure programs meet and exceed provincial quality benchmarks;
- Global reach: As Canada’s leading global college, engaging and celebrating diverse cultures to create world-ready graduates, the College will expand global operations and program delivery outside of Niagara, expand Be World Ready global learning opportunities, and create an inclusive and integrated campus community where students support, engage with and learn from one another;
- Alumni and partner engagement: The College will seek, build and support partnerships with alumni, local and global communities and partners in education and government toward shared goals. This means breaking down barriers, engaging and celebrate our alumni through a culture of “once a Knight, always a Knight; support industry and economic development through applied research and innovative, responsive academic programs, and foster positive relationships with our students and the community;
- Social inclusion and environmental responsibility: The College will take action to support the betterment of our communities, environment and society as a whole. This will include the response to and support for Truth and Reconciliation calls to action; developing and maintaining a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion; supporting sustainability through the continuous improvement of our processes and standards and modelling social responsibility for our students and the community;
- Operational excellence: The College will maintain its commitment to excellence in our operations, the development of our people, and our continued financial security. Key actions will include multi-year enrolment strategies; the development of new experiential learning opportunities; investment in the professional development of our people; supporting a culture of innovation, growing access to student financial supports and the continued diversification of revenue sources.
“We are at a pivotal point in our college’s history, and the plan we’ve unveiled today will enhance our ability to support industry, to provide pathways to career success for students, and to meet the evolving needs of the communities we support locally and beyond,” said Wendy Wing, Chair of the Niagara College Board of Governors.
Niagara College’s 2022-2017 Strategic Plan can be viewed at