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Important update for students: Winter 2022 Term

With the Winter 2022 Term beginning on January 10, Niagara College has adapted our operations to prioritize the health and safety of our learning environment and workplace. These changes were made in response to a sharp rise in COVID case counts driven by the highly transmissible Omicron variant, and to align with provincial measures to slow the spread of the virus. Given the interim changes to the delivery mode of courses, the following is important information for students for the start of term.

Important Update: Masking Policy

In light of recent guidance from government and public health, and to support the health and safety of the college community, Niagara College has updated its masking policy to require medical-grade masks on campus. Cloth masks alone are no longer acceptable under the College's masking policy.

Medical-grade masks will now be required for entry to campus. For the start of the Winter 2022 term, proper masks will be provided at designated access points for those who arrive without one. A medical-grade mask must be donned before proceeding past the access point. Hand-sanitizer should be used when changing masks and will also be available at the access point. Distribution of medical-grade masks will be monitored through the first weeks of the term and adjusted as required. Please note that some program areas or departments may have additional masking protocols or requirements. In these cases, further information will be provided at the program/departmental level.

In classrooms and labs where physical distancing cannot always be maintained, enhanced PPE including eye protection is required and will be supplied by the College. In certain labs, gloves and gowns are also required.

Designated access points

Entry to campus will only be permitted via a designated access point listed on the Return to Campus website. Students and employees will be required to tap their student or employee ID card, which will display their approved vaccination status and successful completion of the daily health screening to the staff at the door.

Students are encouraged to use good judgement and depart from campus following their scheduled classes and activities.

Changes to daily health screening

The daily health screening continues to be in place and can be completed via the NC Mobile App on your iPhone or Android device, or via the MyNC Portal. Updates to the screening have been made to align with the significant changes from the provincial government and public health for testing and isolation.

Program delivery

Delivery modes for all courses are posted to the College website. Students, please visit the Winter Term page on the Return to Campus website to see the delivery mode of your classes. Updated schedules will be posted to your MyNC Portal and further scheduling updates may be required. Please watch for any additional updates from your program area, or via Blackboard. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to adjust our course delivery in response to the rapidly evolving situation. While many programs will move to virtual delivery until February 25, we remain committed to the safe delivery of essential and required on-campus practical program elements, with personal protective equipment (PPE) and other health and safety measures in place.

Latest testing and isolation requirements

PCR and rapid testing have been prioritized for specific high-risk groups. Members of the general public with mild symptoms are asked not to seek testing. If you have symptoms or live with someone who is symptomatic or tests positive, assume you are positive and isolate. Do not come to campus. This includes the roommates of students living in residence.

The province has also changed the isolation period to five days after the onset of symptoms and until symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours for gastrointestinal symptoms) for individuals who are fully vaccinated, as well as children under 12.

If you have any one or more of the following symptoms, you and members of your household must self-isolate:

  • Fever/chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decrease/loss of smell and taste

In lieu of the above symptoms, if you have two or more of the following symptoms, you and members of your household must self-isolate:

  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches/joint pain
  • GI symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea)

Please stay informed and follow public health guidance regarding testing, isolation and self-monitoring. Visit or the Niagara Region Public Health site.

If you are unable to attend a scheduled class due to you or someone in your household being symptomatic or testing positive for COVID, please contact your instructor or program area for assistance.

Other health and safety measures

For a list of the comprehensive health and safety measures in place on campus, visit the Return to Campus website.

Our mandatory vaccination policy remains in place. As the province expands eligibility and availability of COVID boosters, we strongly encourage you to contribute to the safety of our college and our community by getting your booster shot.

What's open and closed?

Many of our student services and supports will be accessible virtually for students during the Winter 2022 Term with limited in-person services available. Please check the Campus Services page on the Return to Campus website for updates as the information is subject to change throughout the term.

Food services and cafeterias will be temporarily closed. Vending machines and bottle filling stations will be available. Individuals may bring a beverage or reusable bottle and pull their mask down occasionally to take sips while keeping a safe distance from others and donning their mask immediately after drinking. An announcement will be made when food services will resume, and what measures and restrictions will be in place for your health and safety.

The Learning Commons at both campuses will remain open for students with appropriate health and safety measures in place, including masking and distancing.

Campus Bookstores will be open from January 10 to 21 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday within provincial guidelines at 50 per cent capacity. Beginning January 24, they will return to regular hours of 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Books and other items can also be ordered via the websites:

Enrolment Services offices will be open for some in-person services at both campuses, providing front line customer support, processing registration transactions, and offering financial aid services, while advising appointments will continue to be online in most cases. Office hours during the start-up period will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Document drop off boxes will also be available. Visit the Enrolment Services website  or Campus Services page for more information.

Fitness Centres and Gymnasiums at both campuses will be closed until January 26 and the OCAA has delayed the 2022 Winter Varsity Season to at least January 21. Athletics and Recreation will provide updates as they become available. Visit and monitor the Athletics/Knights social channels.

Health, Wellness and Accessibility Services continues to support students by appointment via phone or video, and when necessary, in-person appointments will be available. To book an appointment or to learn more about the available services, workshops and mental health supports, visit the HWAS website.

International Student Services will be offering support remotely with modified service access until January 28. In addition, a welcome desk will be located in front of the International offices at both campuses and Student Assistants will be available on campus to provide support to students. More information is provided on the Campus Services page.

Information Technology Services (ITS) is supporting students and employees via in-person and virtual services. Limited open access computers in the Learning Commons at both campuses are available for students, while in-person services include classroom, hardware/device and laptop program support. Contact ITS for support by submitting a ticket at, via web chat, email, or by calling 905-735-2211 ext. 7642.

ncLibraries will be open for limited in-person services, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at both campuses. Test Centres are also open and many online services are available, including Peer Tutoring and Academic Drop-In sessions. Online resources are available 24/7 on the Library website. Please note the ITS Service Desk located in the libraries is closed for in-person help and printing services are currently unavailable for students.

NCSAC front office staff are available through the website: By clicking on the chat box, students can connect with staff in real time to ask questions, get information, and seek help with NCSAC services, including health plans, clubs, and general services.

For updates on additional services, visit the Campus Services page. Check back often as service delivery can change.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding as we prioritize health and safety, and academic quality. For further information regarding the college's COVID-19 measures, please visit the Return to Campus website and watch for additional updates from your program and via Blackboard.