A message from Fiona Allan, Vice-President, Academic:
As announced in January, Niagara College will see a gradual increase in on-campus learning in many programs for the second half of the Winter 2022 Term, as we continue to prioritize safety and our students' experience and academic success. This gradual increase in in-person learning follows a temporary shift to remote delivery for many programs in response to COVID trends driven by the Omicron variant.
Following the mid-term break, and as the provincial government begins to ease COVID restrictions, course delivery will continue to be a mix of fully-remote, on-campus and hybrid delivery, with an increase in on-campus classes and labs. This follows the delivery model that has been in place through all stages of the pandemic - which has seen at least half of Niagara College's students experience some on-campus classes and labs as part of their programs each term.
Delivery modes for all courses are being updated on the College website. Students, please visit the Winter Term page on the Return to Campus website over the next few days to see the delivery mode of your classes and watch for any additional updates from your program area, or via Blackboard.
On-campus classes, labs and activity will be within provincial and public health guidelines and the College's comprehensive on-campus safety measures will remain in place, including mandatory vaccination, mandatory medical masks, distancing and enhanced personal protective equipment (PPE) in situations where distancing cannot be maintained. Full information and regular updates on these measures is available online at niagaracollege.ca/returntocampus.
Student services and supports will also continue to be a mix of virtual and in-person. As on-campus learning increases students will see a return of more on-campus services. Food services will reopen in alignment with provincial guidance on indoor dining. The Campus Services page on the Return to Campus website will be updated as services resume on-campus.
As we see an increase in on-campus activity, we must continue to remain vigilant, practicing the health and safety measures that have kept the Niagara College community safe since the start of the pandemic. Most importantly, if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or live with someone who is symptomatic or tests positive, assume you are positive and isolate to help ensure everyone's health and wellbeing.
If you haven’t already, we strongly encourage you to get your booster dose, which not only provides increased individual protection against severe illness, but also helps keep community infection rates at bay. COVID-19 vaccines are now widely available in Niagara at community clinics, pharmacies and primary care offices.
A reminder that NC recently upgraded our mask requirements. Medical-grade face masks are now required while on campus. Enhanced personal protective equipment consisting of eye protection may be required in certain settings due to the nature of the work and will be provided.
Students and employees are permitted to enter our campuses via designated access points where they are required to tap their NC ID card. The tap-in station will display their approved vaccination status and successful completion of the health screening to the staff at the door. Students and employees can complete the daily health screening quickly and easily via the NC Mobile App on iPhone or Android devices.
A sincere 'thank you' to all Niagara College students for your understanding and patience during this period of remote delivery that helped ensure the health and safety of our learning environment and workplace. We recognize that the pandemic has been an extraordinarily challenging time for our students, presenting new obstacles and personal challenges at every turn. We are committed to supporting your success as we resume in-person learning this March. While the pandemic may not be over, making a safe and gradual transition back to more normal campus life will allow our students to benefit from a more wholistic college experience.
Please visit our Return to Campus website for the latest COVID-19 updates, on-campus access and safety, term updates, services and resources.