Message from Fiona Allan, Vice President, Academic:
With the Fall Term just around the corner and with a continued focus on safety, academic quality and the student experience, Niagara College is preparing to welcome students to our campuses for in-person classes, services, events, and activities.
We are committed to providing a fulsome college experience including in-person experiential learning opportunities across our programs. The College's ability to adapt to the evolving public health measures will continue to serve us well as we plan for the 2022-23 academic year.
While the Spring Term saw a significant increase in on-campus learning, the Fall 2022 Term will bring us closer to pre-pandemic operations, but with the benefit of flexible course delivery as we incorporate many important lessons and best practices learned over the past two years. Students have told us that they value the flexibility that hybrid delivery provides and we will incorporate this approach across many of our programs this fall.
The mix of hybrid and in-person delivery will vary by program. Delivery mode for each course will be listed on student schedules following timetable selection.
Many of our key support services will also continue to be available both in-person and virtually this fall - updates on all campus operations will be provided via the Niagara College website as the Fall term approaches.
Although our mandatory mask and vaccination policies were suspended on July 4, masking is still encouraged on our campuses as key COVID indicators continue to fluctuate. Niagara College campuses will continue to be a mask-friendly environment where all members of the college community are supportive and respectful of individual choices with regards to masking.
Vaccination remains the best protection against COVID-19, especially in community settings like ours. We encourage you to get vaccinated and stay up-to-date. Learn more on the Niagara Region Public Health website. Students, employees and visitors are also asked to contribute to the health and safety of our learning environment and workplace by staying home if they feel unwell.
We continue to actively monitor COVID trends and provincial and local public health guidance and directives, and we will adapt our operations and on-campus policies as needed should conditions or government direction change.
Throughout all the change since 2020, Niagara College remains unwavering in our commitment to student success. Regular updates about campus operations and program delivery will be provided via our website throughout the Fall. Visit
We look forward to seeing you on campus this September!