NC’s Alumni Relations is rolling out its first webinar series.
To be held via Zoom, the series aims to provide essential engagement opportunities for NC’s alumni community around the pillars of wellness, learning and connecting. The webinars will kick off on May 27 and will continue biweekly on Wednesdays.
“We’re really happy to facilitate meaningful opportunities for alumni to connect and engage with us during these challenging times,” said the College’s alumni engagement officer Jana Boniferro. “This collaborative webinar series is really about making sure our alumni community feels supported and connected, and we look forward to providing additional relevant programming as we move along.”
The first session, to be held on May 27 (9:30 a.m.), is a collaboration with NC’s Community Employment Services (CES), featuring leadership coach Sandra Summerhayes on Enhancing Optimism & Resilience: Thriving in Uncertain Times. The topic addresses how working from home, physical distancing or not working requires optimism and resilience. Summerhayes, who is an alumna of the College’s Business Administration program (1982), will share strategies to assist participants during uncertain times.
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The series will continue on June 10 (10 a.m.) with an Alumni Second Career Info Session to be hosted in partnership with CES. Second Career is an Ontario government program that assists eligible laid-off workers in obtaining skills training required to gain employment in high-demand occupations. Participants will learn about program eligibility, financial supports available and training options.
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Connection will be the goal on June 24 (5 p.m.) when internal alumni at Niagara College are invited to participate in a social zoom meet. Registration details will be available closer to the event date.
For additional details about the webinar series, visit the NC’s alumni Facebook page here.
Info regarding events to be held in collaboration with CES is available at